The clear choice for production.
Let’s work together.

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Sed consectetur tellus eget odio aliquet, vel ves tibulum tellus sollicitudin. Morbi maximus metus eu eros tincidunt, vitae mollis.

Nulla imperdiet at mauris ut posuere. Nullam tempor, ipsum eget egestas viverra, velit fringilla arcu, et sollicitudin enim eros nec est. Sus pendisse volutpat velit non porttitor. 

Mauris porttitor aliquam bibendum. Nam at ul trices justo. Mauris eget urna magna.

Our Services

Film Production

Proin ac ex maximus, ultrices justo eget, sodales orci. Aliquam egestas libero ac turpis pharetra, in vehicula lacus.

Creative Direction

Proin ac ex maximus, ultrices justo eget, sodales orci. Aliquam egestas libero ac turpis pharetra, in vehicula lacus.

TVC Production

Proin ac ex maximus, ultrices justo eget, sodales orci. Aliquam egestas libero ac turpis pharetra, in vehicula lacus.


"One of the best Film Studio theme I’ve ever seen. Reasonable price, easy to use, amazing design, smooth run and excellent support. Great work you have done. Congratulation!"
Richard Green

Marketing Manager of Donal Skehan

"One of the best Film Studio theme I’ve ever seen. Reasonable price, easy to use, amazing design, smooth run and excellent support. Great work you have done. Congratulation!"
Helen Fuller

Marketing Manager of Donal Skehan

"One of the best Film Studio theme I’ve ever seen. Reasonable price, easy to use, amazing design, smooth run and excellent support. Great work you have done. Congratulation!"
Henry Howard

Visual Effect

"One of the best Film Studio theme I’ve ever seen. Reasonable price, easy to use, amazing design, smooth run and excellent support. Great work you have done. Congratulation!"
Sandra Scott

Make up Artist

Our Crew

Suspendisse gravida elementum lacus, amae suada tortor sollicitudin ut. Donec pharetra metus.

Proin maximus ut augue ut finibus. In non est eu libero rutrum fringilla.

Mauris dictum, turpis in convallis tincidunt, est dui varius est, eget ultrices magna.

Bernhard Zimmermann


Jürgen Richarz

stellvertertender Vorsitzender

Martha Schorn


Maria Gockel


Manfred Obermeyer

Technischer Leiter

Winning Awards

Have a project?

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us

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